A National Course to Minimize Nursing Home Liability

Nursing Home Liability

There is no shortage of things to do in the management of the nursing home.  The administrator has their hands in multiple areas, from mentoring and developing personnel to ensuring clinical standards are met.  Add to that the physical plant issues which also connect to liability management and you have more than a full-time job.

This adds to the excitement about a new national course that is being readied for release in Mid-March 2019 and will represent three, (3) continuing education credits for nursing home administrators.  Pre-registration begins February 15, 2019 which allows those who take the course starting in March to keep their price at $19.95 per user.

The class will be located in this collection on e published for registration in February 2019. Click Here  (The course may not appear in the collections before February 10, 2019)

The dialogue in the interactive course covers liability that could arise from:

  1. Management of the physical plant
  2. Interactions with:  Colleagues, vendors, patients, patient families and others
  3. Billing

Excitedly we look forward to providing tons of support in 2019 and 2010 for the world’s busy and incredibly productive nursing home administrators.

Let’s hear from you.


Another Blog Post by Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc.  Photos used are to complement the written material.  They do not imply an endorsement by or affiliation with any organization nor individual.





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