We wanted to take a few moments and speak to issues affecting CORF Surveys, (Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilities). If you have any questions you can feel free to email us. Some are now being told that surveys are unannounced and not scheduled. This is very new for us as our firm assisted in preparing clients for four, (4) in Georgia and Wisconsin last year and each time the state surveyors scheduled the pre-certification survey and a team of four, (4) arrived to conduct it.
We have heard of unannounced survey visits for existing programs, but not for those seeking certification for the first time. Oh well, its not something we can likely change.
Before survey there are emergency preparedness issues to work out. These include your Risk Assessment that identifies specific safety risks that could impact your operation. Here is the applicable language from CMS Policy:
Risk Assessment: “The term risk assessment describes a process facilities use to assess and document potential hazards that are likely to impact their geographical region, community, facility and patient population and identify gaps and challenges that should be considered and addressed in developing the emergency preparedness program. The term risk assessment is meant to be comprehensive, and may include a variety of methods to assess and document potential hazards and their impacts. The healthcare industry has also referred to risk assessments as a Hazard Vulnerability Assessments or Analysis (HVA) as a type of risk assessment commonly used in the healthcare industry.”
Secondly, on the issue of Emergency Preparedness Plans you need to ensure you develop a plan after consulting with applicable police and fire department representatives, following an agenda that develops emergency responses to specifically applicable potential emergencies. It appears some are applying inpatient standards to outpatient facilities. Here is the specific guideline: “Table-top Exercise (TTX): A tabletop exercise involves key personnel discussing simulated scenarios in an informal setting. TTXs can be used to assess plans, policies, and procedures. A tabletop exercise is a discussion-based exercise that involves senior staff, elected or appointed officials, and other key decision making personnel in a group discussion centered on a hypothetical scenario. TTXs can be used to assess plans, policies, and procedures without deploying resources.”
As a CORF your focus would be on CMS Policy 486.25. Click Here for a letter you can use to explain your consultative need to local police and fire representatives.
Thank you for your commitment to serving the most vulnerable among us. Here is to a great Summer!!
A Blog Post authored by the writing team of Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. Follow us in the social and business networking stratosphere: