Effective July 1, 2018, a simplified yet highly informative and effective course in traumatic brain injury is available for administrative and direct care staff in group living environments. The main topics are:
- Traumatic Brain Injury Defined
- How the Condition is Diagnosed
- Temporal Lobe Deficits and Cognitive Re-Training in Traumatic Brain Injury
- Most Popular Causes
- Common Behavioral Characteristics and Manifestations
- The Brain’s Self-Healing Power
- Long-Term Care and Rehabilitation
While approval as a continuing education subject for many in administrative roles in assisted living and adult foster care has value, the course also has mass appeal for frontline direct care staff. Of course, this is of special value when working in group living environments that serve residents with traumatic brain injury. The course represents eight, (8) hours of annual continuing education for Michigan Adult Foster Care Administrators and Licensees.
Elements adding value include the interviews with an experienced neurologist and three, (3) survivors of serious brain injury. All of this is featured in the course, available by Clicking Here.
Details posted about course updates on a regular basis at www.directcaretraining.com.
Another Blog Post by Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. Photos used are to complement the written material. They do not imply an endorsement by or affiliation with any organization nor individual.
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