In the world of online learning there are a couple of characteristics that matter most for providers. Among these is being able to help the student – including those who are not accustomed to computer learning – to understand how the process works. This assistance must include not only a few general items about online learning but also how to navigate your school specifically. We take this seriously and issue a ‘course specific’ outline for how to use each of our courses.
Click Here to view a sample. This applies regardless of the student target, i.e. adult foster care, adult day care, nursing home administration, etc.
Anyone can sell a product or a service. However, educating your customer on how to make the best usage of it causes a provider to stand apart. That is our goal: WE DARE TO BE DIFFERENT.
On-Line School for Child Care Providers
A Blog Post authored by the writing team of Direct Care Training & Resource Center, Inc. Follow us in the social and business networking stratosphere: