
How Can You Find Success Operating a Group Home: Michigan Version

Operating a group home can be both rewarding and profitable. These homes serve the most…

Why Rehabilitative Therapists Must be Careful Stepping Outside their Expertise and Assigned Role…

Rehabilitative therapists, such as physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists, are trained professionals who…

Don’t Destroy Your Business With Your Personality.

About 15 years ago I was in the lobby of one of SE Michigan’s Community…

How Should a Medical Office Be Cleaned?

Cleaning a medical office is an important task to maintain a safe and healthy environment…

Group Homes vs. Skilled Nursing Homes: The Difference

Group homes and skilled nursing homes are both residential care facilities that provide a range…

Why group homes must take continuing education seriously…

Continuing education is critical for group homes to ensure that they provide high-quality care to…

America's Largest Multi- Discipline Continuing Education Portal...

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